The Rarest Blood Type in the ABO Blood System
Approximately 43.9%, 34.8%, 16.6% and 5.1% of the world’s population have blood groups O, A, B and AB respectively. AB is the rarest blood type if you pool both Rh+ and Rh- together.
Presenting the data by Rh factor gives a more interesting result.
About 36.4%, 28.3%, 20.6%, 5.1%, 4.3%, 3.5%, 1.4% and 0.5% of the
world’s population have blood groups O+, A+, B+, AB+, O-, A-, B- and AB- respectively.
So, after stratification by Rh factor, you can clearly see that blood type AB- has the lowest frequency in the world.
You can say that among the ABO types, AB- is the rarest blood type in humans.
However, the second most rare blood type is not AB+ (approx. 5.1%).
In fact all the Rh-negative blood groups are rarer than the AB+ blood group.
Therefore, in general we can also say that Rh- blood types are rarer than Rh+ blood types.
Data on the frequency distribution may change with time.
Therefore, It is likely that newer data is available on the percentage of the population per ABO/Rh blood types.
YouTube's Video Views Are Falling.
YouTube is getting smaller in a metric that used to mean everything: views.
Since December, views on YouTube have dropped 28%, and March views are only slightly above what they were a year ago, startling for a site accustomed to breakneck growth.
On March 15, YouTube altered its recommendation system to make the time spent with a video or channel a stronger indicator than a click in determining which videos to surface to a user.
It appears to be working. While views have dropped of late, the amount of minutes users spend watching YouTube has grown over the past year by 57% to more than 61 billion minutes in March 2012, according to ComScore.
The average length of a video view has grown a full minute to four minutes in the past year.
Marvel Superheroes of Social Media.
With over half a century of battle between the titans of the comic world, Marvel have been coveted title of the most popular publisher in the marketplace.
Over the past decades, this comic has been fought on many worlds, starting from print media in the early 60′s, moving on to TV-Series in the 80′s and finally to the big screens in 2000.
The Avengers was one of the biggest comic story block busters to hit the big screen, raking in close to $ 1.2 billion.
To put it simply, its not enough to have the most social profiles, it has to be a combination of the number of social profile, the reach, influence and the level of engagement to find a place in the leader board.
The graph below is a raw comparison of superheroes based on the number of social profiles their fans have created online.